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The Bishops New Unbelievable Excuse For Demanding Your Tax Dollars
If the USCCB had a holy card it would look like this $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Concerned Catholics Request RICO Investigation of Bishops’ Actions
Rachel calls Cardinal Robert McElroy, soon to be installed as the Archbishop of Washington, “the poster boy” for the Catholic Church in America’s criminal response to sexual abuse. The appointment of McElroy shows that the Church is not serious about cleaning up its serious sex abuse problem.

The WORST Cardinals Are Openly Getting Ready For A New Pope (And They Think You’re Stupid)
American cardinals launch a NOVENA to implore heaven to restore their US government funding (seriously), and one anti-Catholic Cardinal pivots on the issue that made him notorious.

Dumb Beyond Belief
The immense stupidity now makes it to the columns of Breitbart, which tells me that the garbage is getting traction and becoming part of the culture. I struggled to read this to the end.

Are Some Catholics Fomenting Schism?
Some commenters on my blog insist that I take a position on whether Francis is or is not the pope. I’ve always replied that to make that decision is definitely “above my pay grade.” In fact, it’s above the pay grade of almost every Catholic on earth.

WATCH: Liz Yore Blows The Whistle on U.S. Bishops Illegal Immigration Grift
Appearing on the Warrroom, Liz Yore discusses federal funding of Catholic bishops’ illegal immigration grift.
The new DC Cardinal may be in for a rough ride.
I think we all know who this bishop is and yet he has the audacity to lecture Trump on morality when he does not know the meaning of the word himself. This is a great reason why for every 100 people who enter the Catholic faith 800 leave.

Catholic walks out of Mass as priest compares Trump to Satan at DC church
CV NEWS FEED // A Catholic man left Sunday Mass for the first time in his life after a priest in Georgetown, a wealthy neighborhood in Washington, DC, used his homily to make a political comparison between President Donald Trump and Satan.