Traditional Latin mass locations

Institute of Christ King Sovereign Priest

  • 147 priests, 108 seminarians (2023)
  • (Houses in: United Kingdom | France | Belgium | Germany | Switzerland | Ireland | Italy | Sweden | Spain | Gibraltar | Gabon | Mauritius | United States)

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Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter

  • 386 priests, 197 seminarians (2024)
  • (Houses in: Australia | Austria | Belgium | Canada | Colombia | Czech Republic | Finland | France | Germany | Ireland | Italy | Mexico | Netherlands | New Zealand | Nigeria | Poland | Spain | Switzerland | United Kingdom | United States)[2]

Click here for Mass Locations

Institute of the Good Shepard

  • 61 priests, 46 seminarians (2023)
  • (Houses in: Brazil | Colombia | Costa Rica | France | Italy | Kenya | Poland | Uganda | United States

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Society of St. Pius X (SSPX)

3 bishops, 707 priests, 185 seminarians (2022)

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World wide Traditional Latin Mass Directory

Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen

Dedicated to preserving and spreading the traditional Catholic Faith and the Fatima Message, the priests, Brothers and Sisters of the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen (CMRI) are responsible for over 120 traditional Catholic churches and Mass centers both in the U.S. and abroad, as well as 19 schools staffed by religious, several publications, and an online store, Mary Immaculate Queen Center, with an extensive inventory of traditional Catholic books and religious articles.

Click Here for Mass Locations

Society of St. Pius V

The Society of St. Pius V is an organization of traditional Catholic priests dedicated to the preservation of the Traditional Latin Mass. The priests of the Society do not offer the Novus Ordo Missæ. The priests offer the Traditional Latin Mass exclusively. Likewise, the priests administer the traditional sacraments according to the prescribed rites prior to any of the changes brought about by the Vatican II Council.

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SSPX Marian Corps

Any “scattered sheep” seeking the crumbs off the Master’s Table and desiring the Holy Mass, may contact me at:
(315) 391-7575    or   fr.d.hewko@gmail.comYou also can contact Fr. Hewko in writing at:The Oratory of the Sorrowful Heart of Mary 66 Goves Lane Wentworth, NH  03282

Click Here for Mass Locations

Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Catholic Chapel

Providing Holy Mass and Sacraments in accord with the teaching and practice of the Roman Catholic Church 205 Fulton Street Elgin, IL. 60120 (847) 508-9513 Fr. Ronald Brown, Chaplain of the Sodality of Our Lady SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE HOLY MASS 10:00 am Confessions: 9:15 am – 9:50 am SATURDAY MASS SCHEDULE Holy Mass 9:00 amConfessions prior to Mass Holy Day Mass Schedule 9:00 am & 7:00 pmThe Chapel provides the traditional Mass and Sacraments for friends  and members of the Sodality of Our Lady

Traditio Traditional Latin Mass directory

Latin Rite aims to be another source for locating a Traditional Latin Mass, ( also known as the Tridentine Mass). Traditional Latin Mass locations, TLM Locations, Tridentine Mass, Mass times all over the world. Locations for Diocesan, SSPX, FSSP , SSPV, ICKSP, IGS and Independent.

Please note, all Catholics baptized in the Latin Rite are under obligation to attend the Traditional Latin Mass by obedience to the Papal Bull ‘Quo Primum’ by Pope Pius V in 1570. Make no distinction between where you attend the Traditional Latin Mass, for the validity of the Mass is not determined by the politics of a Religious Order, or the Bishop or a Priest! Every valid Mass is Valid, the requirements are simple, a validly ordained Priest with the intention to do what the Church does. The validity of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is not dependent on the holiness of the Priest or the politics of the Order, if that was the case, there would be no valid Masses. Where ever you can find a Traditional Latin Mass, go, don’t let anyone tell you differently! No Priest, No Bishop or even a Pope can forbid you from attending the Traditional Latin Mass, know your Faith, know your rights, read Quo Primum!

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Chapel

Location: 114 Banks St, Zebulon GA 30295

OLMC Chapel is a private Chapel where the Tridentine Mass and traditional sacraments are offered. It is a place for Divine Worship for the benefit of one or more physical persons as defined by Canon 1277.

The Chapel is a non-profit corporation registered with the IRS and the State of Georgia and has 501(c)(3) status.

More information can be obtained by emailing