Video Room

The Catholics

In defiance of the Sacrosanctum Concilium from the edicts of the Second Vatican Council, and a future Fourth Vatican Council, a group of monks from a monastery located on an island offshore the Republic of Ireland conducts the traditional Tridentine Mass in Latin on the Irish mainland. These traditional masses are so popular that groups from all parts of the world make pilgrimages to attend the masses and express their displeasure at the changes in the Roman Catholic Church. This future Vatican Council also destroys the mystery of the Mass, denies Transubstantiation, and insists that priests only wear clerical clothing on ceremonial occasions.

What we have lost

This is a documentary that compares the Catholic Church prior to the Second Vatican Council and after the Second Vatican Council. It contrasts the Rich Reverence and Mystery of the traditional Latin Mass (Petrine Liturgy) with the banal, empty, and impoverished modern Mass of the Novus Ordo.

The Eternal Gift

On Easter Sunday 1940 a very special full-length sound motion picture of Solemn Mass was made for the ages.  It marked the first time in history a High Mass had been fully recorded on video.  It was recorded on ten reels of film and two years were consumed in the making.  The duration was one hour and forty minutes and the film was seen in cinemas, theatres and later shorter versions of it were sold on super 8mm reels.  

It was called “The Eternal Gift,” produced with the cooperation of the Servants of Mary (Servite) Fathers of Chicago.  Mons. Fulton J. Sheen was narrator, Fr. James R. Keane, O.S.M. was celebrant, Fr. Hugh Calkins was deacon, and Fr. Frank Calkins was sub-deacon.  The two deacons were actual brothers.  The servers at the altar wore white cassocks – a Servite tradition.  

Papal Impostors, 1958 conclave

Video discloses the questionable election of Cardinal Roncalli that took place from 25 to 28 October following the death of Pope Pius XII on 9 October 1958. On the eleventh ballot, the College of Cardinals elected Cardinal Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli as the new pope. He accepted the election and took the name John XXIII. He was the second patriarch of Venice to be elected pontiff in the 20th century after Pius X.

The Latin mass explained and demonstrated for Priests

Instructional video created at St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary in 2003.

How to serve the traditional Latin low mass

An instructional video for altar servers to learn how to assist in a Traditional Latin Low mass

A Beginners guide to the Latin Mass

Tips and advice to those starting to attend the traditional Latin mass

March of the Templars

The unofficial Battle hymn of the TLM Catholic

The Schooling

From the movie the Catholics. Young traditional monk schools a modernist young priest from the Vatican on the duties of the priesthood.

Answering Objections to the Traditional Latin Mass

The traditional Latin Mass continues to be controversial within the Catholic Church. Many Catholics object to various aspects of the TLM, believing it to be outdated. Today we’ll address some of those objections.

Father Ripperger explains under Satan there are 5 General that execute his plans

◦The first General is Baal who is the demon of impurity and his principal function is to get cultures to succumb to impurity primarily through fornication. This spiritual adversary aims to distort and pervert the gift of human sexuality, leading individuals away from the divine order intended by God. Baal lays the groundwork for the free love movement where men will start to want to sleep with men and women with women this includes the normalizing of deviant sexual behavior. (Now you see where Baal-lenciaga was derived from) ◦The second General is Asmodeus is the demon of homosexuality in men. ◦The third General is Leviathan is the demon of homosexuality in men, but of the masculine kind. ◦The fourth General is Lilith is the demon of female homosexuality. ◦The fifth General is Baphomet is the demon of child sacrifice/abortion.

Fr. Sommerville appologises for his participation in the post Vatican II new translation of the mass

TR Media: Father Anthony Cekada, Sedevacantism: How to tell Aunt Helen, with Stephen Heiner, 2011

Taking inspiration from an article that Fr. Cekada wrote many years ago on sedevacantism, this interview calmly examines the standard reheated and re-microwaved quotes from the “recognize and resist” community that believes in having your Pope and eating him too. Well worth a watch.

Hero Jan Sobieski and His Winged Hussars attacks the ottoman army at Vienna

King Sobieski leads the greatest cavalry charge ever in history as he saves Austria from the Muslims

Traditional Stations of the Cross with Fr. David Hewko

Family Movies

The Quiet Man

A retired American boxer returns to the village of his birth in 1920s Ireland, where he falls for a spirited redhead whose brother is contemptuous of their union.

The bells of St. Marys

At a big city Catholic school, Father O’Malley and Sister Benedict indulge in friendly rivalry, and succeed in extending the school through the gift of a building.

Going My way

When young Father O’Malley arrives at St. Dominic’s, old Father Fitzgibbon doesn’t think much of his new assistant.