Catholic Home Schooling

Our lady of Victory Home School

In 1973 a small group of parents and grandparents met to hear a talk encouraging the formation of traditional Roman Catholic schools. They had realized the negative influences in the public schools, the declining quality of Catholic schools, and the effects on their children and sought an alternative option.

St. Jerome Home School

St. Jerome School & Library’s apostolate is in restoring and producing sound, classical Catholic works which are edifying, educational, and enjoyable. As parents we understand how vital it is to have reliably Catholic works available, especially with a lack of time to vet materials in our busy lives. We adhere to Catholic (rejecting the false “Vatican II Council”) standards and teach the Catholic faith as It has always been and always will be. God does not change and neither does His Church.

Tan Academy

We respect parents as the primary educators of their children. You know your children best. TAN Academy promotes a blend of traditional and classical methodologies, but allows for flexibility for each family’s needs. The beauty of homeschooling arises from adapting the education to each individual child, not forcing every child to conform to a predetermined educational method.

Bellarmine Studies

History, Latin & Catechism from a Traditional Catholic Perspective

Bellarmine Studies, based in North San Diego County, California, offers courses to Elementary, Middle School, and High School home school students  online,  in the classroom, and privately in your own home.

The Mission of Bellarmine Studies is to instill in today’s children – tomorrow’s leaders – invaluable knowledge and understanding of authentic Church history, Traditional Catechism, and Latin – the transformative language of Western Civilization, law, government, logic, and theology.

Bellarmine Studies’ patron is Saint Robert Bellarmine, Doctor of the Church, Papal Inquisitor, Hammer of Heretics, and Patron Saint of Catholic Teachers.

Our Lady of Fatima Correspondence Catechism

The Sisters of the Society of St. Pius X in Browerville, Minnesota run a highly successful international Catechism Correspondence school. 

How it works

  • Once a child is enrolled, the parents will be sent a course with instructions and homework sheets. This is normally done monthly from August to May.
  • Parents are expected to teach the course to their children (where possible, priests and catechists will assist at the Mass Centers).   
  • One homework sheet is to be completed each week.
  • Every four weeks the parents are encouraged to send their children’s work back to the SSPX Sisters.
  • An SSPX Sister will correct the work and will personally correspond with the pupil through the parents.

How to enroll