Tridentine Catholic Newsletter
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Bergoglio's Cartel of Cardinals want to remind you to move your clock ahead one hour for both daylight savings time and to get away from the traditional church an hour sooner. Use the handy guide below for all your time pieces |
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Instead, we get a strange radio message. Radio message? In the age of Instagram? How does this make sense? A radio message can be recorded days in advance, does not have a picture to show proof of life, and I trust Vatican officials to send it out “somewhat late” but without falsifying it. A radio message is quite the worst idea.
yril Ramaphosa, South Africa’s socialist president, ratified legislation on Jan. 25 enabling the government to seize land without compensation. With white farmers still possessing a great deal of land, the ruling coalition apparently figures the new law for a means of redistributing property to members of a state-preferred racial group.
Looking to the bright side having just entered Lent, I had a funny exchange with my teenagers yesterday. We had attended the Noon Mass in our parish. Father distributed ashes just prior to Mass. somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 people were there. It is beautiful to see.
If we want to avoid the Church’s effective annihilation, we must return to Tradition, in everything from liturgy to catechesis to public morals and even modesty in dress.
The Trump administration has ended a Biden-era attempt to force pro-life doctors in Idaho to participate in so-called ‘emergency’ abortions despite the state’s pro-life law, but a federal judge is still attempting to delay the law’s enforcement.
Rumors are becoming more and more insistent that Bergoglio is about to modify the apostolic constitution that regulates the conduct of the conclave, removing the two-thirds quorum established as mandatory by John Paul II for the election of the new pontiff to be valid.The proposal would be to set the quorum at 50 +1 of the cardinal electors. News that has been denied by the sacred palaces but that today is relaunched in an interview with the newspaper Il Tempo by Luigi Bisignani, a former journalist considered very well-connected within the Roman Curia.
They’re just now discovering that people really, really don’t like Pope Francis.
He never let a personal health issue get in the way of the message.
CV NEWS FEED // According to a poll of those who watched President Donald Trump’s Tuesday night address to a joint session of Congress, just over three quarters approved of his speech.According to a CBS News / YouGov poll released Wednesday morning, 76% of viewers of Trump’s remarks indicated that they approved, compared to only 23% who disapproved.Furthermore, 63% of the poll’s respondents said that Trump spent “a lot” of time discussing issues they cared about, compared to 28% who said the president devoted “a little” time to issues important to them. Only nine percent stated that Trump spent no time “at all” on such issues.
The court handling a USCCB lawsuit against the Trump administration has declared it cannot compel the government to follow through with refugee resettlement contracts, since they are now canceled.
I have not seen yet the televised version of Trump’s speech yesterday. I do not expect to hear about any Earth-shattering news. However, Mr Trump did not fail to impress me yesterday, as he received the news that Cocaine Dwarf accepts to explore peace talks under his “strong leadership”.
Democrats attending President Donald Trump’s Tuesday night speech to a joint session of Congress refused to stand when Trump honored a 13-year-old boy with cancer.
Trump addressed the joint session for over an hour and a half, during which he announced that D.J. Daniel, who has been sworn in by over 900 police departments across the county, would be an honorary Secret Service agent. Trump said that Daniel had survived for six years despite being told he had less than five months to live.
As told by exorcist, Fr. Chad Ripperger, Our Lady of Good Success warned of a moral collapse and increasing corruption led by Satan through Masonic sects, particularly targeting children and the Church, leading to sacrilegious acts, attacks on sacraments, and a rise in sin, especially against chastity. However, she also emphasized that despite the darkness, God remains in control, and those who remain faithful to grace in these times have an unprecedented opportunity for holiness and sanctification.
A new survey shows that for every 100 new Catholics, more than 800 people leave the Church. As bad as that is, the news is actually worse when we look more closely at the numbers. Radical changes are needed.
CV NEWS FEED // The Trump administration is pausing all aid to Ukraine, including weapons already in transit or stationed in Poland, until Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy demonstrates a greater commitment to peace, Fox News reported this week.
In a sense, it’s not bad. Had he come back to the Vatican, he would now be spitting anti-Catholic and anti-Trump hatred with his every word. On the other hand, it is really frustrating that we do not know whether we are allowed a couple of weeks of prayer and fresh hope in the work of Providence, or not.
Thanks to President Trump the USCCB has lost their free ride off the American taxpayers. Poor Babies! I recommend Cupich, McElroy and rest of this gang of “Deplorables” adapt this classic Guy Lombardo song as their new theme. Its got a good beat, I can dance to it.
Catholic NFL kicker Harrison Butker received the Heroes for Hope Award at the 2025 National Catholic Prayer Breakfast on Friday for ‘fearlessly’ promoting the Catholic faith and defending the sanctity of life.
(LifeSiteNews) — Harrison Butker, kicker for the NFL’s Kansas City Chiefs and a devout Catholic, met with President Donald Trump in the White House on Thursday morning.
A photo of Trump and Butker in the Oval Office was shared on X (formerly Twitter) by Margo Martin, special assistant and communications advisor to the president.
NEW YORK (LifeSiteNews) — The Catholic archbishop of New York has announced the beginning of Ramadan, likening it to Ash Wednesday.
Cardinal Timothy Dolan made the announcement to Catholic viewers over X (formerly Twitter) today on Friday, February 28, asking his audience if they realized that Ramadan, the Islamic “season of penance,” begins “tomorrow.”
The cardinal praised Muslims for taking their observances “seriously” and added that Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, is “kind of our Catholic Ramadan.”
As the title and subtitle suggest, the book replies to the cancer-phase Liturgical Movement arguments in favor of massively overhauling the old rite, explaining why it did not need the Consilium’s extreme makeover; and then refutes the idea that the new rite can be “reformed” or “done well” so that it might someday be the right thing. Instead, the old rite is fine the way it is, as long as it is well celebrated; and the new rite, regardless of good intentions, is irreparable.
Cardinal Parolin, the Secretary of State, is considered very hostile to the Traditional Mass (playing on the nickname, “the Mass of All Time,” he is quoted as saying, “We must put an end to this Mass for all time!” At this time, when Rome is more or less preparing for a conclave, his friends are doing everything to sell, as the communicators say, an image of Parolin as a “moderate”, “man of consensus.” Pietro Parolin, who is said to be considering the name of John XXIV, would be in perfect continuity with the latter, but in a less disorderly, more administrative style.
Anthony nails it. These Bishops have just shot themselves in the foot with launching a law suite to get their goodies back from taxpayers. Most of us don’t even like these bishops let alone trust any of them. My words not Anthony’s. If I ever shook hands with Cupich or McElroy I would make sure I count my fingers to make sure I get all 5 back.
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